Kerala's 10,000 Solar Home Project approved by Central Government

Monday, August 13, 2012 4 comments

Solar energy in kerala is set to recieve a major boost, all thanks to the 10,000 Solar Home Project, which got a final go ahead from the indian government.

Project involves installing Solar panels in 10,000 homes in the south Indian state of Kerala. Each project will have a nameplate capacity of 1KW. Which will equate to about a total of 10MW of distributed Solar power in Kerala. These projects will be constructed in roof tops due to the unavailability of large open land.

Goverment will provide 60% of the total cost of the system as subsidies, which will be about 1.5 Lakhs (~$2700) of the total project cost of 2.5 Lakhs (~$4500).

The Project will be constructed in such a such way that, all districts will be given equal priority. But the power hungry district of Ernakulam is set to recieve a good chunk.

Agency for Non-Conventional Energy and Rural Technology (ANERT) will be overlooking the whole project which has a total valuation of more than  about 250 crores ($45 Million).

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